Airband Standard Horizon
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Yaesu's engineers have dedicated themselves to the enhancement of Signal-To-Noise ratio in designing the FT-920. Since recovered audio is the most important consideration at both ends of the communication circuit, the FT-920 is particularly optimized for noise reduction, wide dynamic range consistent with excellent sensitivity, audio tailored to the operators own voice pattern, and ease of operation. The result is an efficient transceiver design without a peer in its price class.

High-Tech Receiver Front End
The FT-920's receiver front end, adapted from the FT-1000D and FT-1000MP legacies, utilizes an up-conversion technique, with a 68.9 MHz first IF being produced by the four-FET doubly-balanced first mixer. Following the first mixer, a four-pole "roofing" filter protects the following stages.

This front-end architecture results in excellent image- and intermodulation-rejection characteristics for the receiver system.
New-Design MOS FET Power Amplifier
Utilizing rugged MRF255 FETs in the final amplifier, the FT-920 produces 100 Watts of clean output power from 1.8 MHz through 54 MHz! Built into an aluminum die-cast unibody chassis, the FT-920's thermal dissipation capability is unnmatched in its class.
High Speed DSP
The audio Digital Signal Processing (DSP) system of the FT-920 runs at a blazing 333 MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second), providing highly-effective filtering and noise reduction with a minimum amount of distortion or "artifacts" that can degrade reception. Noise reduction, bandpass filtering, and auto-notch filters are provided, in addition to a microphone equalizer to boost talk power and enhance audio quality.
Oustanding Digital Mode Features
Easy interfacing to digital modes is yours with the fT-920, and its flexibility for digital operation is beyond compare.Both AFSK and FSK connetinos may be accomplished, and the AFSK line is isolated from the microphone jhack, so you never have to worry about a "live mike" while you're on PSK31. PTT, fixed-level audio output, and squelch status lines are also available.

And for connection to a tape recorder, a convenient "AF OUT" RCA-type connector simplifies audio interconnection, independently from the TNC connections used for digital transceive operation.
CW Operating Flexibility
For CW experts, the FT-920 includes a CW Spot control, for precise alignment of your frequency to that of the station you're working. You also get a CW Tuning Meter, CW-Reverse sideband selection, a CW Pitch control, and a CW Message Memory electronic keyer, with storage and recall access from the front panel.
Advanced Multi-Function Display
The FT-920's Omni-Glow™ display includes a specially-engineered wide-angle lens, to ensure clarity of viewing over a very wide range of angles. The high speed digital metering includes a "peak-hold" feature, to allow easy monitoring of peak signal, power, or SWR values. You also get monitoring of the input DC voltage, speech processor compression level, DSP relative bandwidth, Clarifier offset, and a host of other information including tuning meters for both CW and FM modes.

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