Airband Standard Horizon
System Fusion
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C4FM/FM 144/430MHz Dual-Band Digital Mobile
50W C4FM/FM Dual-Band Digital

Radio Features:

- System Fusion-II Compatible
- Operates Advanced C4FM Digital and Conventional FM modes
- AMS (Automatic Mode Select) function automatically recognizes the signal as C4FM digital or conventional FM
- Sophisticated Digital-Group-ID (DG-ID) Operation
- Digital-Group-ID (DG-ID) Memory Feature : Up to 10 DG-ID pairs with alpha-numeric tags
- True 50 Watts (VHF and UHF) Stable High-Power Transmitter with FACC
* FACC: Funnel Air-Convection Conductor (Wind Tunnel)
- High Stability ±2.5 ppm TCXO Included
- 3W Powerful & Clear Audio with Front Speaker
- AMS with Multi-colored large LED Mode-Indicator Effortless FM and C4FM Operation - 225 Memory Channels with Alpha-numeric tags (maximum 8 characters)
- Wideband Receive for 108MHz - 579.995MHz (108 - 137MHz: Airband)
- Weather Broadcast Reception
- Severe Weather Alert Feature
- Easily connect with the WIRES-X linking system (Not support operation of WIRES-X Node Station)
- Keyboard entry of operating frequencies from the microphone - CTCSS and DCS Encode/Decode, with split Tone - Versatile Scan features : VFO scan, Preferential Memory scan, Programmable memory scan and Dual watch

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